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This page contains photos of the Camp Shoshanah Messianic Bible Study Camp taken during 1980. In 1980 Camp was a bit rustic, ok, more than a bit, but we loved it and learned lots. While the main purpose of Camp is the study of the Scriptures from the original  Jewish frame of reference, we always manage to have a lot of Kosher fun, and these photos mainly show the fun. Be aware that some captions may have a hint of fiction & whimsy to make you smile.

Dr. Louis Goldberg was a Jewish believer in Messiah Yeshua, Author, and well respected Professor at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.
He also made many trips to Israel and taught in the Messianic Assemblies there.
In 1980 he taught at Camp Shoshanah. Rachel, Avner and Jay are listening intently.

Deborah & Mottel, and Michael & Eva 1980 Camp Shoshanah

Mottel & Deborah, and Rachel & Avner 1980 Camp Shoshanah


It's 1980, you're in old Cabins in the middle of the woods, so funny skits were our evening pastimes.
This is the infamous "Yenta Kvetch" skit, as "Husband" Michael and "Nurse" Patricia attend to
Yenta, Carol S., who is 9 months pregnant and past her due date, but could only kvetch that the
Hospital didn't offer a Pastrami Sandwich on Levy's Rye Bread. Eventually, Baby Barry Leventhal
made his arrival, looking a bit hairy, with oversized diaper and holding a baby bottle.

Vincent Morgan is a long-time Messianic worker in New York City, and in 1980 he was
key in recruiting students and volunteering at Camp Shoshanah. These photos are
from his newly discovered 35mm slides of Camp 1980

Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, before his PhD., teaches Bible from a handout. Barry used a modern gizmo, the 'Overhead Projector'.

Avner & Rachel lead music at the Friday evening Shabbat meal.

Jewish believers from Montreal share music

Mottel & Deborah lead music

The 'Canteen' in operation. Eliezer M. is making a purchase, Carol S. and her son Lev are staff? Lorraine R. at rear.

Smiling to keep up appearances, about to get beat by a 5th grader?

Tom Starks with one of the two entrance signs

Vincent and Tom

Group Project

Raising of the sign at the main entrance. In 1980 the poles were natural tree trunks

A view from outside, the other side of the sign

Let's see, Vincent is standing on a lightweight wooden ladder, using a thin mattress to prevent sliding (that's what our bunkhouse had),
balanced precariously on a shaky van, What could go wrong??!! Seen in photo, Arnold & Barry & Milt.

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tel# 518-835-6057

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