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This page contains many photos of the Camp Shoshanah Messianic Bible Study Camp taken during 2006. While the main purpose of Camp is the study of the Scriptures from a Messianic Jewish frame of reference, leading to our being better disciples of the Messiah, we always manage to have a lot of Kosher fun, and these photos mainly show the fun! 

The main purpose of Camp is the study of Scripture from its' original Jewish perspective. Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum teaches.

Some evenings find a group doing Israeli dancing at our beach

We sing at the beach every Sunday evening

Songleader Jim can play Guitar and monitor the dancing at the same time!

An ancient Jewish tradition: The Toasting of the Hebrew Nationals

Three suburban Jewish kids wonder if it's safe to approach the campfire

Who needs sidewalks ?!!

Camp attracts many from Canada, just 2 hours away

Two of these Ladies are veterans of the Israeli Army, and all have come to faith in another Israeli, Jesus !!

Simon was the only Russian born individual, and was alone holding the flag, when suddenly the fellow at left stepped into the photo. Who is that guy?!!

Believe it or not, we had a 'Minyan' of people from England, the UK, the British Isles (I was told to mention all the permutations), who skipped across 'the Pond' from Jolly 'Ole to study at camp.

We fly 'Ole Glory all the time. We also fly the flag of Israel whenever there is an Israeli dignitary in the Camp.

The kids stood still long enough to be photographed

Da Kitchen crew

Paving the floor in for the new Dining hall, to be ready soon!

World renown Italian TV Chefs Naomia & Arlisco Francesco in their only 2006 overseas appearance, weekend Meatball slinging at Camp.

Five young guys at Camp,
but only two had the good sense to be born in 1954 !

The "Red" Bathhouse and apartments

Their 'T' shirts say: "We toured Israel with The Frucht and survived". (The Haifa Traffic Police are still looking for him)

Jackie lights the candles at our regular Friday evening Shabbat meal.

Kids sing at Shabbat.

Dennis, Simon, Betsy, Shirley & Jim lead worship on Shabbat

Friends around the Shabbat table

Above, new friends around the Shabbos table.


At left, Shirley kindles the Shabbat Candles and says the most genuine Sephardic sounding "L'hadlik nerot Shabbat" heard at camp in a long time.

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Camp Shoshanah,  838 Trout Pond Rd - Keeseville, NY 12944  -  tel# 518-834-6057
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This website is maintained by volunteer supporters of Camp Shoshanah.
Website design Copyright © 2007
All artwork property of Ariel Ministries and used by permission.