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This page contains photos of the Camp Shoshanah Messianic Bible Study Camp taken during 2009.  While the main purpose of Camp is the study of the Scriptures from a Jewish frame of reference to produce mature disciples of Messiah Yeshua, we always manage to have a lot of Kosher fun, and these photos mainly show the fun!

Camp Shoshanah Class
Bible class sessions are held in this comfortable, air-conditioned hall

Our music team leads in traditional Jewish music as well as praise before our Friday evening Sabbath meal

Camp Shoshanah pond
The Camp Shoshanah property is on Trout Pond, where you can sit on the dock in early evenings and watch the Beavers swim

Our kid's playground has jungle gyms, picnic tables, different types of swings

Praise songs before each class session unite our hearts

Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Rafael the Prince of Italy and Mottel Baleston after the Shabbat meal

There's a 15 minute break between the morning classes, so many chat outside the hall

Matt and Tovyah sing songs of praise

Over the past few years we've had students from England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, India, with many from Canada and New Zealand,
and this family from Australia!

Afternoons are free time, and some like to play Volleyball. The soil is somewhat sandy, so that helps.

Our Erev Shabbat meals on Friday evenings are full of singing, matzoh ball soup and the best Challah Bread ever !!


An enthusiastic group of young men at Camp Shoshanah.
(and before you email, I have no idea what was up with the shoes)

Three of the Messianic Jewish Bible Teachers: Gary Derechinsky, Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Mottel Baleston

Andrew from Canada received his 5 year certificate

Helen from New Zealand received her 5 year certificate
The classes at the Ariel Summer Program of Messianic Jewish Studies is on a 5 year curriculum. Here are the 2009 "Graduates", 5 years at Camp Shoshanah!

Let's see how strong Gary built the stage !!

If you're from Canada, get in this picture   (who let the guy in the green shirt in??!!)

Allie & Betsy talk about their wonderful Husbands
(at least, that's what they told the photographer)

Still cool & fit after a 5 mile run

Mama, there's that short photographer again!

We spared no expense and went "all out" when purchasing the percussion kit.

Chanting the Motzi over the Challah during the Camp Shabbat Dinner

L'hadlik Nerot Shabbat - Lighting Erev Shabbos candles

Camp Shoshanah Messianic Praise Band

Each year Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum leads a 3 week intensive study tour of Israel, exploring it's history and geography, traveling in small vans,
and going on back roads where no tour group has ever gone, but roads familiar to Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.


Italy getting ready to blow the Shofar!

Taking a pause in the snarky jokes about each other, New Zealand and Australia. ANZACS !!


Phillipe & Annalee from France. In the next 10 years they and God would produce 5 sons. Nice going guys!

George & Edward are Jewish, and are from the 1,600 year old Jewish community of India.

Japan is in da house !!

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